The presidential election in USA 2016 was a disaster - No, i am not trashing any candidate or president in this article. Its been on my mind for a while.
Because of this election, i see Christian divided...i see my sister/brother in Christ call other believers "fake" and "Racists" just because they admitted that they voted for the candidate some do not agree with.
Why so much hate and disagreement. I hear both sides and know there are legit reasons to agree and disagree... with the political agenda of both candidate. At this point we are choosing the lesser evil. We are all in the same boat!! Pls do not forget we live in a secular end time era. If you fall into the trap of slandering your family of Christ just because of a 4 year presidency, you have a serious character flaws then. Its beyond just the disagreement of different political point of view. You are using your political point view to lash out all your discontent, ok, i get it, this is a rather "safe" way to unload your frustration about your life, Please, go see a therapist or read emotionally healthy spirituality before you put any comments on facebook.
I have lost a few friends who lashed out on me, and i distance myself from people who are super vocal abt their political point of view (They like to argue, posting fake news, putting other down on social media..etc)Those are NOT loving action a believer do to your fellow brothers and sisters.